Activity Finder
Activity Finder combines data from the Activity, Class, and Session content types into an interactive tool that can be used with Paragraphs or Layout Builder pages.
Out-of-the-box, YMCA Website Services’s Activity Finder integrates with Daxko, ActiveNet, and Personify. Configuring these integrations is mostly user-friendly, but often is supported by a partner development team. Any other CRM will require custom developer work.
Related modules
- Activity Finder - this repo contains in-depth developer documentation.
- Extended Daxko API Integration
- Simple Daxko Integration (deprecated)
- ActiveNet Integration
- Personify Integration
Additional topics
Allowing UTM codes in Activity Finder
UTM codes can be used to track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Activity Finder uses query strings as filters, but as of version 4.2.0 it will also maintain UTM codes in the URL.
Activity Finder begins with a number of preset arguments, and those can be modified at Admin > YMCA Website Services > Settings > Activity Finder Settings (/admin/openy/settings/activity-finder
) in the Allowed Query Arguments field.
Once those settings are saved, you can visit an Activity Finder page with UTM codes attached, for example:,2786083&utm_source=promotional_member&utm_medium=email&utm_content=button_register_now&utm_campaign=fall_group_swim_lessons_2021
and see that the codes are maintained as the filters are changed.