This is the multi-page printable view of this section. Click here to print.

Return to the regular view of this page.


Embed simple text, images, blocks and interactive components with blocks, YMCA Website Services’s layout-building component.

YMCA Website Services content editors use paragraphs to create unique layouts for their pages. Each paragraph is a section of content that comes with its own styling, functionality, and fields.

You can add a paragraph onto a page when you see the paragraphs dropdown field. These paragraphs will typically be inside one of the four main “Areas” inside a content type:

  • Header Area - Used for adding images and page titles
  • Content Area - Where your main content goes
  • Sidebar Area - Where you put related information, such as promotions and links to other content.
  • Bottom Area - The “anchoring” elements of your page, such as a call to action.

Choose a paragraph by selecting an area and picking an option from the dropdown.

Not all content types use all four regions. For example, a content type use its fields to put content inside the Sidebar Area, while another may have a sidebar area but use its Image field instead of a Header Area

Two Ways to Add Paragraphs

Content editors have two ways to add paragraphs onto a page - inline editor and admin portal.

Admin Portal

To add a paragraph into an Area, open that area and select a paragraph from the dropdown. The button will usually be labeled with “Add [First Paragraph in List]” (the first paragraph in the list depends on the content type/area), and there will be some helper text above.

The video below provides an example of the functionality of paragraphs; however, the specific layouts demoed are not YMCA Website Services layouts.

Inline Editor

If you’ve upgraded to YMCA Website Services 2.4 or later, you can add a paragraph from the front-end by clicking on the Plus icon in a given region and selecting a paragraph from the pop-up window.

Note: Not all paragraphs are available for inline editing yet. More paragraphs will be added to the inline content editor in later releases

Rearranging Paragraphs

Sometimes you have one layout in your head and it doesn’t look as good when you add it to your page. You can easily move around your sections by clicking on the cross icon to the left of your paragraphs. Drag around your paragraphs to rearrange.

Just drag your paragraphs to rearrange them

Editing Paragraphs

Need to fix a typo? Click the edit button next to each paragraph to open it back up and make edits.

Deleting Paragraphs

Maybe you didn’t need that section. Don’t worry: you can easily delete a paragraph by clicking on the remove option from the dropdown next to where it says “Edit.”

Choosing the Right Paragraph Type

YMCA Website Services comes with more than 50 paragraph types, and depending on your partner’s customizations, you may have even more. This documentation will focus the types that come out of the box with YMCA Website Services and how to use them.

1 - 1 Column

Embeds a single column of content into an container, with an option to embed reusable content.


Rose - Without Block


Rose - With Block


Carnation - With Custom Block


Areas 1 Column Should Be Used

  • Content Area
  • Sidebar Area
  • Bottom Area

How to Use 1 Column

After selecting “1 Column” from the paragraphs dropdown, you will notice paragraph title field, a checkbox, and a required description.

  • Paragraph title adds an all-caps heading at the top of your paragraph. This is optional.
  • The checkbox adds dual horizontal rules. Check this only if you’re planning on using the paragraph title
  • Description (required) - Adds simple text through a text editor. Font color defaults to purple in Lily and Rose.

Custom Block Feature

While the paragraph be used only with the fields above, 1 column also supports custom blocks of content. For this paragraph type, it’s recommended that users stick with “Simple block” types.

When adding your custom block, use the font-awesome icon class instead of the custom icon image field. In Carnation, the image option tends to get too large.

Learn more about custom blocks ⇒

Read about the Font Awesome icon library ⇒


The purple font color for paragraph descriptions can be overridden in Lily and Rose by targeting .paragraph-1c-wrapper .field-prgf-1c-description.


.paragraph-1c-wrapper .field-prgf-1c-description {
color: inherit;

Content editors who want to edit this CSS can ask their developers to install the CSS Editor module and edit their styles directly from the User Interface.

Content Types that Support This Paragraph

2 - 2 Columns

Add two equal-width, reusable blocks of content, side-by-side. The left side stacks on top of the right side for mobile.








Areas it Can Be Used

  • Content Area
  • Bottom Area

How it Works

  • Select “Two Columns” from the paragraphs dropdown.
  • Insert a custom block into the Left and Right Column

Learn more about custom blocks ⇒

Unlike similar paragraphs (such as 1 column paragraph and Grid Content), there is no title field. To add a Title, insert a Simple Content paragraph above your 2 columns paragraph.

There is an optional checkbox to display a horizontal rule above the two columns.


If you want to add multiple rows of content with 2 columns, add a new 2 columns paragraph for each set of two you want (e.g., if you have five blocks of content, add three 2 columns paragraphs).


Content Types That Support this Paragraph

3 - 3 Columns

Add three equal-width, reusable blocks of content, side-by-side. Columns stack left to right on mobile.








Areas it Can Be Used

  • Content Area
  • Bottom Area

How it Works


  • Select 3 Columns from the Paragraphs dropdown.
  • Title: Optional large, all caps title at the top.
  • Add custom blocks to the Left Column, Center Column, and Right Column fields.

Learn more about custom blocks ⇒


If you want to add multiple rows of content with 3 columns, add a new 3 columns paragraph for each set of two you want (e.g., if you have seven blocks of content, add three 3 columns paragraphs).

Content Types That Support this Paragraph

4 - 4 Columns

Add four equal-width, reusable blocks of content, side-by-side. Columns stack left to right on mobile.


This paragraph does not work out of the box in Carnation (see Advanced).

Content editors can use Grid Content or Featured Content paragraphs to achieve a similar layout.





Areas it Can Be Used

  • Content Area
  • Bottom Area

How it Works

  • Select 4 Columns from the Paragraphs dropdown
  • Title: Optional large, all-caps title at the top
  • Line Above: Adds a horizontal rule above each column.


  • Description: A subheader/section description embedded below the title and above your titles. Uses the text editor for styling.
  • Add custom blocks to the First Column, Second Column, Third Column, Fourth Column.

4 column paragraph options

Learn more about custom blocks ⇒

Adding Headers to Individual Blocks Out of the box, the Title field in each custom block renders as plain text. To work around this, add your headers in the text editor.

See Advanced below for details about how to fix this with CSS.

If you want to add multiple rows of content with 4 columns, add a new 4 columns paragraph for each set of two you want (e.g., if you have seven blocks of content, add two 4 columns paragraphs).

Learn more about the link field ⇒


Title Field Styling

In all three themes currently in YMCA Website Services, the Title field displays in a font-size and color nearly identical to the body copy. To override, target .field-sb-title.

Carnation -> Columns stack in desktop

In order for this to work in Carnation, the .wrapper containing the column elements needs to be changed to .row; otherwise, each of the four columns expands to the full width of the Area it’s embedded in.


Content Types That Support this Paragraph

5 - Activity Finder

Embed the Activity Finder program search experience on your website, which helps users pre-filter the activities they want to search for.

Areas It Should Be Used

  • Content Area
  • Bottom Area

How it Works

This paragraph type requires an integration into a CRM. Out-of-the-box, YMCA Website Services’s Activity Finder integrates with Daxko, ActiveNet, and Personify. Any other CRM will require custom developer work.

How you use these paragraphs will depend on how your Association has structured its program data on the CRM and on how you decide to get people to program results.

There are three primary approaches to setting this up: a standard approach, a results-only approach, and a targeted approach.

Standard Approach

  • Create two Landing Pages. Title one “Find a Program” and the other “Program Search.”
  • On the “Find a Program” page, add the “Activity Finder” paragraph. Type in “Program Search” and select your Program Search in the “Activity Finder Search Results Page Reference” field.
  • At the bottom, you will see a field called “Title” Change the title to “Find a Program” Save the page.
  • Next, on the “Program Search” page, add the “Activity Finder Search Results” paragraph into the Content Area. Type in “Find a Program” on the “Activity Finder Page Reference” page.

Results-Only Approach

If you plan on using deep-linking or want to forgo the guided search experience, you can use the “Activity Finder Search Results.” Create a Landing Page called “Program Search” using the One Column (Full Width) layout.

  • Add the “Activity Finder Search Results” paragraph into your content area and leave the “Activity Finder Page Reference” field blank. Save your page.

Targeted Approach

Activity Finder can also be used on multiple pages on your site, specifically on your Program Subcategory pages.

6 - All Amenities


This paragraph provides similar functionality to the" “Location filter by amenities”, and is no longer recommended for use by the YMCA Website Services Core Team.

What It Does: Shows a list of branches with icons indicating, at a glance, which amenities are available at each branch. Includes a checkbox field to filter branches by amenities.

Areas Where it Should Be Used:

  • Content Area
  • Bottom Area

How to Use It

After selecting “All Amenities” from the paragraphs list, you can change the title that displays above the search checkboxes by entering text in the Title field.

Styling will differ greatly based on the theme. Use of this paragraph in Rose is not recommended.

Supported Content Types

Related Paragraphs

  • Location filter by amenities
  • Locations

7 - Banner

Add large, full width images to the top of your page, along with a title, optional description and optional link.

Landing page in Carnation on desktop

How to Use a Banner

In the Header Area of your content, select “Add Banner” from the dropdown. Then, fill out the following fields:

Banner paragraph fields

  • Title (required): This field adds a headline to your banner. The placement of the title will depend on your theme and customization, but it will typically appear as large, all-caps text.

  • Color (required): The background color for your banner. You typically will not see this color in Lily or Carnation, but in Rose, it will display behind your text. Choose from the list of available options.

  • Description (optional): Displays beneath your Title. You have the option to style your text using the text editor, but it’s not as consistent as other places where you typically see the editor.

    Recommendation -> Just enter basic text and don’t do anything beyond basic styling, such as bold or underline.

  • Image:

    Banner pagagraph image selection

    Use the image library to embed an image. You can upload a new image from your computer or reuse an existing image from your library. The image field is optional, but recommended.

    For recommended image sizes for your YMCA Website Services site, talk to your agency partner.

    How to add/edit images >

  • Link/Button: Add a URL and a link to the button on the page. The button on your banner cannot be styled without custom CSS/code. Using link/button fields ⇒

    Note: If you know a little CSS, you can have your agency partner install the CSS Editormodule, and you can target .btn.banner-btn to change the default button.

Content Types that Support Banner

8 - Blog Posts Listing

Add a section with teaser cards that link to blog posts and dropdown search fields.



Carnation blog post listing


Lily blog post listing


Rose blog post listing

Areas it Should Be Used

  • Content Area
  • Bottom Area

How to Use Blog Posts

From the paragraphs dropdown, add Blog Posts Listing. Enter a header title for the section in the text field and hit Save.

BLog posts listing admin fields

Content Types that Support Blog Posts

Related/Alternative Paragraphs

9 - Camp Menu

Add a horizontal menu beneath the Header Area on a camp page.



Carnation camp menu


Lily camp menu


Rose camp menu

Areas It Can Be Used

  • Header Area

How It Should Be Used

Before adding the paragraph, add the links you want on your menu by adding them on your Camp Page at General Info > Menu Links.

Camp menu paragraph links

Learn More About Link Fields ⇒

To add additional links to your menu, click on the Add Another Item button.

Camp menu add another item button

Once you’re done adding your menu links, scroll down to the Header Area and add “Camp Menu.” Click save.

Note - While it is technically possible to position the camp menu above your banner image, it is not recommended. The camp menu busts in desktop on Carnation, and in all themes it can be hard to distinguish the camp menu from your main navigation.

Mobile Considerations for Camp Menu

When a user views your camp menu in mobile, the menu doesn’t collapse; it merely shrinks. Menu items either disappear or wrap onto a new line if they do not fit the space.

It’s recommended you limit your menu items to no more than 3 or 4 unless you opt to customize.

Carnation camp menu mobile display

Content Types That Support this Paragraph

10 - Categories Listing

Embed horizontal cards for program subcategories on a programs page.




Categories listing in Carnation on desktop


Categories listing in Carnation on mobile


Categories listing in Lily


Categories listing in Rose

Areas It Should Be Used

  • Content Area

How To Use It

  • On a Programs page, go to the content area and click to open it.
  • Select Categories listing.

Categories list admin

This paragraph can only used on programs pages that have subcategories tied to them. If a program has no subcategories tied to it or if it’s used on another content type, it will not work.

Learn more about programs content type ⇒

Learn more about programs subcategories content type ⇒

Content Types that Support Categories Listing

11 - Code

Unformatted, unrestricted text that supports any HTML tag and can be embedded anywhere. Great for embedding iframes and third-party scripts.


YMCA of Central Kentucky / Daxko Schedules iframe


YMCA of Middle Tennessee / GroupEx Pro Script


Areas it Should Be Used

  • Content Area
  • Sidebar Area
  • Bottom Area

How To Use Code

  • Select “Add Code” from the paragraphs dropdown.


  • You will see two buttons - one to add a custom block, the other to search for a custom block.

  • To search for an existing custom block, type the name of the block in the autocomplete field and click on an option that appears to embed that block.

  • To add a new block, click the “Add New Custom Block” button.

Learn more about blocks ⇒

  • When you add your block, you will see a blank, unformatted text field. Type your HTML text into this field.


To use code, you must add HTML tags.

Hard returns will be ignored, and text will be printed out in one long string.

Code will not highlight or color-code your HTML.

There is an option to change to a “Full HTML” text editor, which will allow you to make use of the default text editor; however, using this will strip “faulty” HTML out of your block and may prevent you from using certain tags.

Once you’re done, click the button that either says Add custom block or Update custom block, depending on the option you had selected at first.

Content Types that Support Code

12 - Date Block

Schedule different sections to show or hide on your pages.

Areas It Should Be Used

  • Header Area
  • Content Area
  • Sidebar Area
  • Bottom Area

How To Use Date Block

Pick Add Date Block from the list of paragraphs in the dropdown. You will see two options: add a new custom block or add an existing custom block.

Add New Custom Block

If you’re using Date Block for the first time or creating a new date block, choose the Add New Custom Block option.

Adding a new date block

Enter a label for your date block in the block description field. If and when you’d like to reuse this section on multiple pages, this is what you’ll use to search for it.

Below the block description field, you will enter a start date and an end date for your block. This schedules content in your date block to publish and unpublish, just like with a content type.

Date block start and end dates

Below this you can add in paragraphs to display Before, During and After your scheduled dates. Add paragraphs into these fields as you normally would.

Adding content to the date block

If you don’t want content to display before, during or after your time period, leave it blank.

Hit “Create custom block” to add your block.

Add Existing Custom Block

To reuse a date block you’ve previously created, click the “Add Existing Custom Block” button.” Enter the description of your block into the autocomplete field. Select your block from the options to drop it in.

Adding existing content to the date block

Editing a Date Block

To edit your block, click “edit” next to the paragraph. You will need to click another “edit” button when the name of your date block appears. Make your changes inside the block and, when you’re done, click “Update Custom Block.”

Making any changes to a date block will change it on every page where it has been added.

Learn more about custom blocks ⇒

Content Types That Support Date Block

13 - Embedded GroupEx Pro Schedule

Embed the out-of-box GroupEx Pro schedule script on a page with a single click.


An example of the GXP embed paragraph

Areas it Should Be Used

  • Content Area

How it Works

Prerequisite: Requires integration with third-party tool GroupEx Pro.

  • To integrate you GroupEx Pro account, go to the admin toolbar. > >
    Navigating to the GroupEx Pro account settings
  • Go to YMCA Website Services > Integrations > GroupEx Pro > Group Ex Pro Account Settings. Add your account number to the field. That’s it! >
    Setting the GroupEx Pro account

For information on where to find your GroupEx Pro account number, visit

Adding the Paragraph to Your Page

Select Embedded GroupEx Pro Schedule from the paragraphs dropdown. Hit save.

The GXP embed paragraph admin

Content Types That Support Embedded GroupEx Pro Schedule

  • Repeat Schedules
  • Repeat Schedules (Branch)

14 - FAQ

Create an easy-to-read FAQ or policy section. FAQ adds an accordion tab that expands when users click on it.


An example of the FAQ paragraph

Where it Can Be Used

  • Content Area
  • Sidebar Area

How it Works

  • Select FAQ from the paragraph dropdown

    The FAQ in the Paragraphs dropdown

  • Add a title or a Question into the Question field. This will show as the title of your section.

  • Use the text editor to provide an answer/expanded section of content once the user clicks on your section.

    FAQ paragraph fields

    Learn how to use the text editor ⇒

Add Another Section

To add another Question and Answer, click the Add another item button at the bottom of your paragraph.

The “add another” button

Content Types that Support this Paragraph

15 - Featured Blog Posts

Create a standalone page with a curated listing of Blog Posts.




Featured blog posts in Carnation on desktop


Featured blog posts in Carnation on mobile



Featured blog posts in Lily on desktop


Featured blog posts in Lily on mobile



Featured blog posts in Rose on desktop


Featured blog posts in Rose on mobile

Areas It Can Be Used

  • Content Area
  • Bottom Area

How to Use It

Add a headline for this section of content in the Headline field.

Next, type in the name of the blog you would like to feature in the autocomplete field. Click on the post when it shows up below.

Featured blog posts admin

To add another blog post, click the Add another item button. Click the blue save button at the bottom when you’re finished.

16 - Featured Content

Add a section of simple columns onto a page with an optional call-to-action button on the bottom, an optional title, and optional description.



Featured content in Carnation


Featured content in Lily


Featured content in Rose

Areas It Can Be Used

  • Content Area
  • Bottom Area

Note: The styling for Featured Content differs greatly by theme. This documentation notes the differences in styling between each theme.

Select Add featured content from the paragraphs dropdown. Add an optional headline in the headline field above.

  • Lily/Rose: The headline left-aligns by default.
  • Carnation: The headline center-aligns in Carnation.

Next, add an optional Description using the text editor. Avoid changing your text alignment for your description.

Add an optional link in the link field.

Learn how to use a Link field ⇒

Select the number of columns you would like to have in each row using the style dropdown.

  • Carnation: Due to the card styling in Carnation, this field does not limit the number of cards that will display in a single row. A recommended workaround is to add multiple rows of featured content or use the Grid Content paragraph type.

Advanced users: You can clear the confusion for content editors in Carnation by making the style field an optional field and hiding it in the form display in the UI.

Additionally, you can limit the number of columns to four in the Featured Content’s paragraph settings.

Finally, add content for each column of content using the text editor. To add additional columns click the “Add Another Item” button.

Featured content admin fields

  • Lily/Rose: Adding more columns than what you selected in the “Style” dropdown will create additional rows. Aligning each column’s content is not recommended unless you are not using any other field.

17 - Featured News Posts

Create a standalone page listing curated News Posts.




Featured News Posts in Carnation on desktop


Featured News Posts in Carnation on mobile


Featured News Posts in Rose

Areas It Can Be Used

  • Content Area
  • Bottom Area

Add a Headline for this section of content in the Title field.

Next, type in the name of the news post you would like to feature in the autocomplete field. Click on the post when it shows up below.

Featured News Posts admin fields

To add another news post, click the Add another item button. Click the blue save button at the bottom when you’re finished.

18 - Gallery

Embed a carousel or slider of images onto a page.

The gallery can play on a loop, and users can click back and forth using the arrows.

You can have a gallery with a simple title, and you can also add a description below the headline and/or a call to action button.




Gallery in Carnation on desktop


Gallery in Carnation on mobile



Gallery in Lily on desktop


Gallery in Lily on mobile


Gallery in Rose on desktop

Areas It Can Be Used

  • Header Area
  • Content Area
  • Bottom Area

Once you’ve selected a gallery from the paragraphs dropdown, enter a Headline for the gallery.

Next, if you would like to add a subhead or description below your title, add it below the headline in the Description field.

Only use basic text formatting on your description, such headlines. Avoid using bullets or numbered lists in this field.

Learn more about the text editor ⇒

Optionally, you can add a Link in the link field.

The Gallery link field

How link fields work in YMCA Website Services ⇒

Below the link field, you will add your images. Click on the Add images button to select the pictures for your gallery. You can upload an image to the media library, or select multiple images from your library.

Once you’ve uploaded/selected your images, click that blue Add images button at the bottom.

To order your images, hover your mouse over the thumbnail in the “Images” section, and then drag them to reorder. You will see a cross-arrow icon when you’re dragging them around, similar to what you see when you reorder paragraphs.

Reorder images via drag and drop

To delete a photo from the gallery, click the delete button below the image.

Hit Save at the bottom of the image to save it.

Content Types that Support Galley

19 - Grid Content

Embed one or more rows of up to four columns of content - each with a title, icon, description, and link.



Grid content in Carnation


Grid content in Lily


Grid content in Rose

Areas It Should Be Used

  • Content Area
  • Bottom Area

How to Use Grid Content

Note on Grid Content: This paragraph’s style will vary greatly depending on your theme. The docs outline how to use the fields.

Select grid content from the list of paragraphs

First, choose Grid Content from the Paragraphs dropdown. You will then see a dropdown with four options under Style:

  • 2 items per row
  • 3 items per row
  • 4 items per row

Select a style to choose how wide you want each section to be; the more items per row, the narrower they will be.


2 items per row w/ 2 Grid Columns

Grid content admin with 2 items selected

Grid content example with two items

3 items per row w/ 2 grid columns

Grid content admin with 3 items selected
Grid content example with 3 items selected

Next, you will see a button that says Add Grid Columns. This is where you will start adding your individual sections/cards.

For each item you add, you will have the following fields:

Note: If you add more items than your selected style, you will create a new row. For example:

  • 2 items per row style, 3 items added -> two rows of content
  • 3 items per row style, 5 items added -> two rows of content
  • 4 items per row style, 9 items added -> three rows of content

Content Types that Support Grid Content

20 - Latest Blog Posts

Embed a listing of blog posts with optional filtering by Camp/Branch.

These three paragraphs embed a listing of blog posts, sorted by the most recent, in a card design.

  • Latest Blog Posts shows all the most recent blog posts across your entire site.
  • Latest Blog Posts (Branch) filters your most recent blog posts by the branch the paragraph is embedded on (for example, if on a Downtown YMCA page, only Downtown YMCA blog posts will show up). Placed on a non-branch page, only the headline will show up.
  • Latest Blog Posts (Camp) filters blog posts by the branch the paragraph is embedded on (for example, if on a Camp Widjiwagan page, only Camp Widjiwagan YMCA blog posts will show up). Placed on a non-camp page, only the headline will show up.

Areas it Should Be Used

  • Content Area
  • Bottom Area

How to Use Latest Blog Posts

From the paragraphs dropdown, add Latest Blog Posts, Latest Blog Posts (Branch) or Latest Blog Posts (Camp). Enter a header title for the section in the text field and hit save.

Unlike the related Blog Posts Listing, this paragraph does not include filters for searching blog posts.

Content Types that Support Latest Blog Posts

Content Types that Support Latest Blog Posts (Branch)

Content Types that Support Latest Blog Posts (Camp)

Related/Alternative Paragraphs

21 - Latest News Posts

Embed a listing of News Posts with optional filtering by Camp/Branch.

These three paragraphs embed a listing of News posts, sorted by the most recent, in a row/listing design

  • Latest News Posts shows all the most recent news posts across your entire site.
  • Latest News Posts (Branch) filters news posts by the branch the paragraph is embedded on (for example, if on a Downtown YMCA page, only Downtown YMCA news posts will show up). Placed on a non-branch page, only the headline will show up.
  • Latest News Posts (Camp) filters News posts by the branch the paragraph is embedded on (for example, if on a Camp Widjiwagan page, only Camp Widjiwagan YMCA News posts will show up). Placed on a non-camp page, only the headline will show up.



Latest blog posts in Carnation


Latest blog posts in Rose

Areas it Should Be Used

  • Content Area
  • Bottom Area

How to Use Latest News Posts

From the paragraphs dropdown, add the “Latest News Posts.” Enter a header title for the section in the text field and hit save.

Latest news posts admin fields

Content Types that Support Latest News Posts

Content Types that Support Latest News Posts (Branch)

Content Types that Support Latest News Posts (Camp)

Related/Alternative Paragraphs

22 - Limited Time Offer

Add an anchoring element to the bottom of a page, similar to a small banner. Best for promotional offers.


The limited time offer paragraph

Areas Where It Can Be Used

  • Bottom Area

How to Use Limited Time Offer

Go to the Bottom Area and select Limited Time Offer. Fill in the Title field for your main headline, and if you would like to add a subheader below the title field use the field below.

To add a button, use the link field.

Content Types that Support Limited Time Offer

Additional Screen Shots

23 - Membership Calculator Paragraph

Membership Calculator adds an interactive “membership wizard” to an YMCA Website Services site.

See Membership Calculator and Membership Content Type for more information.

Areas it Should Be Used

  • Content Area
  • Bottom Area

How to Use Membership Calculator

From the paragraphs drop-down, add the Membership Calculator. No additional configuration is necessary on the page.

24 - News Posts Listing

Add a filterable section of news posts to a page.

Areas it Should Be Used

  • Content Area
  • Bottom Area

How to Use News Posts

The news posts listing admin

From the paragraphs dropdown, add the News Posts Listing. Enter a header title for the section in the text field and hit Save.

Note: Advanced users can make changes to the exposed fields using the Views module and the paragraphs settings.

Content Types that Support News Posts

Related/Alternative Paragraphs

25 - Promo Card

Add a small individual card to the sidebar of a page with evergreen promotional content, such as links to join pages.



Promo card in Carnation


Promo card in Lily


Promo card in Rose

Areas It Should be Used

  • Sidebar Area

How to Use the Promo Card

In your sidebar area, select Add Promo Card from the paragraphs list.

You can add an optional large Title in the top text field, while the required Headline field puts a smaller headline below the title.

The description field is a text editor that allows you to enter any content you want with the standard text editor options.

Learn how to use the Text Editor ⇒

You can add link and call to action text in the Link field.

Learn how to use link fields ⇒

Content Types that Support Promo Card

26 - Secondary Description and Sidebar

Add a bottom area element with two columns of reusable content for anchoring a page.

Note: This element does not work properly in Carnation and is considered deprecated.



The secondary description and sidebar in Carnation


The secondary description and sidebar in Lily


The secondary description and sidebar in Rose

Areas it Should Be Used

  • Bottom Area

How to Use Secondary Description and Sidebar

Insert the paragraph from the dropdown into the Bottom Area.

Secondary description with sidebar admin fields

You will have two fields to insert blocks - a Left Column and a Right Column. Select from one of four different custom block types, and either add a new custom block or reuse an existing block type.

Learn how to use custom blocks >

Note: When reusing blocks, the icon field does not work in this paragraph. Font awesome icons will render as text.

27 - Simple Content

Add a section of basic text onto a page.

Areas It Should Be Used

  • Content Area
  • Sidebar Area

How to Use Simple Content

From the paragraphs dropdown, select Add Simple Content. standard text editor will appear, and you can style your text however you want.

Learn How to Use the Text Editor ⇒

Note: In Carnation, stacking multiple sections of simple content on top of one another will not create enough space for users to distinguish between sections.

To create this space, add a pair of hard returns or a horizontal rule at the bottom of your text.

All Content Types Support Simple Content ⇒

28 - Small Banner

A wide, short image with fields for a title, background color, description and image.




Small banner in Carnation on desktop


Small banner in Carnation on mobile



Small banner in Lily on desktop


Small banner in Lily on mobile



Small banner in Rose on desktop


Small banner in Rose on mobile

Areas it Can be Used

  • Header Area
  • Content Area (1 column only)
  • Bottom Area

How to Use a Small Banner

Select Add Small Banner from the paragraphs dropdown. Then, fill out the following fields:

  • Title (required): This field adds a headline to your banner. The placement of the title will depend on your theme and customization, but it will typically appear as large, all-caps text.

  • Color (required): The background color for your banner. In Lily and Rose, this background color displays behind your title and description.

    In Carnation, you will not see the background color unless you choose not to add an image.

  • Description (optional): Displays beneath your Title. You have the option to style your text using the text editor, but it’s not as consistent as other places where you typically see the editor..

  • Image: Use the image library to embed an image. You can upload a new image from your computer or reuse an existing image from your library. The image field is optional, but recommended.

    • Note -> This does not work in Rose. For recommended image sizes for your YMCA Website Services site, talk to your agency partner.

    *Note: Unlike the Banner, Small Banners don’t come with a specific Link field for buttons without customization.

    To add a button to a small banner, you can use the Text Editor button tool to create a button in your description field.

Content Types that Support Small Banner

29 - Social Share Icons

Make it easy for your user to share content on social media.

AddThis services have been deprecated as of 5/31/23

This block ceased functioning on May 31, 2023, with the discontinuation of AddThis services.

30 - Story Card

Add a simple card to the sidebar with a title, headline and call to action.

This Paragraph works best in Lily and Rose.

Areas it Can Be Used

  • Sidebar Area

How to Use It

In the sidebar area on a piece of content, select “Story Card.” Add a Title and Headline. The Title will be larger than the Headline and display above the Headline.

Add your link in the link field below. Unlike most paragraph types, the link field does not create a button or standalone link; the entire card becomes the link. The link text is required; however, it will not stand out a like typical call to action.

To work around this, add a > or another special character to indicate to users they are clicking on a link.

Recommendations for use with Carnation

While this component is available to use in Carnation, it is not themed with a border as in Lily or Rose. The best practice is to use this paragraph sparingly and only in the following content types:

  • Facility
  • Event

This Paragraph works best in Lily and Rose. In Carnation, the Story Card works best inside the News Post, Event, and Blog Post paragraphs.


Note: In the headline area on Lily and Rose, a large quotation mark will display to the left of your headline. This can be easily disabled using the following CSS:

.story-card .quote svg { display: none; }

Content Types That Support Story Card

31 - Teaser

Add a wide feature with an image, text, and a call to action.



The teaser in Carnation


The teaser in Lily


The teaser in Rose

Areas it should be used

  • Content area

How to use Teaser

Insert the paragraph from the dropdown into the Content Area.

Teaser admin fields

Fill out the content fields:

  • Title
  • Image - select an image from the image library or upload a new one
  • Description - add a description using the Text Editor.
  • Link - add an internal or external link

Save the page to view your Teaser.

32 - Webform

Add an existing Webform to a page.

Areas it Should be used

  • Content Area
  • Sidebar Area
  • Bottom Region

How to Use Webform

Prerequisite: You must have your web form created before embedding onto a page. While you can continue to revise and edit your form, using this paragraph will NOT create a webform for you.

Drupal Webform Tutorials (by Jacob Rockowitz) ⇒

Once you’ve selected Webform from the paragraphs dropdown, select the name of the webform you want to embed onto your page.

Webform paragraph admin fields

Next, you will have the option to open, close or schedule your open/close dates for your webform.

Ignore the “Default submission pairs” field, unless you’re a YAML wizard and want to have some default values for certain fields in case your users forget to fill them out.

Content types that Support Webform