Article Views & Filters
Components to feature, filter, and list articles using Layout Builder.
Designs: Mobile & Desktop
The distribution provides a few blocks to highlight articles.
- Featured Articles
- Articles Filter
- Articles Listing
To use the blocks:
- Click the Layout tab at the top of your page
- Scroll to the location on the page where you want to add a block
- Click Add block
- In the sidebar, click Create custom block
- Choose each block to add.
Featured Articles
Displays one or more articles in a large feature on the page.
- Title (required): Displayed if Display title is checked, otherwise this is for administrative use.
- Manual selection items: Select one or more articles to be featured on the page. Generally it’s best to just feature a single article.
Articles filter
Allows users to filter the Articles Listing by location, category, or text search.
- Title (required): Displayed if Display title is checked, otherwise this is for administrative use.
This block has no other options.
Articles listing
Displays articles in a teaser view, filtered by the Articles filter block, showing 6 at a time with a “Show more” button
- Title (required): Displayed if Display title is checked, otherwise this is for administrative use.
This block has no other options.
When you are finished adding blocks, Save and publish your changes.
Last modified June 15, 2023: DS-783 docs: Add new LB video links (f1e2cdb1)