How to use two-factor authentication

Enabling multiple levels of identity verification can protect your site from malicious users.

Enabling two-factor authentication (2FA or TFA) adds a layer of security to selected roles like admin while allowing other users to log in to the site only with basic authentication with a Drupal username and password.

The community-contributed TFA module is the recommended path to requiring 2FA for users.


The TFA module requires the PHP OpenSSL extension. This is installed with most modern stacks, but you can check to see if it is running with: php -i | grep openssl.

Add the TFA module and its soft dependency:

composer require drupal/tfa drupal/real_aes


We recommend you follow the full installation instructions for the 8.x branch or the 2.x branch.

Once you configure an encryption key and an encryption profile, you will then be able to enable TFA at Admin > Configuration > People > TFA (/admin/config/people/tfa).

Once you enable TFA, you will have the option to require it for specific roles.

A screenshot showing “Roles required to set up TFA” with checkboxes for each role on the site.

Last modified March 8, 2024: docs: DS-237 Add 2FA guidance (39c6fdd3)