4 Columns
This is a paragraph type that will be used for implements a paragraph with 4 column.
Name | Machine name | Required | Description | Notes |
Line Above | field_prfg_display_line_above | No | Display a line above the column. | |
First Column | field_prgf_4c_1st | No | Enter first column body. | |
Second Column | field_prgf_4c_2nd | No | Enter second column body. | |
Third Column | field_prgf_4c_3rd | No | Enter third column body. | |
Fourth Column | field_prgf_4c_4th | No | Enter forth column body. | |
Button | field_prgf_4c_button | No | Button with link to display under 4 column paragraph | |
Paragraph Title | field_prgf_title | No | Enter title to display at the top of 4 columns paragraph. | |
Paragraph Description | field_prgf_description | No | Enter description to display under the 4 columns paragraph title. |
Last modified May 10, 2022: bug: fix directory names to not confuse case sensitive filesystems (21456918)